5 hours on the track…

This mornings track workout started at 8 am and ended at 1 pm. A total of five hours. A brutal combination of different speeds, recoveries and length of runs. It started with a series of 800 meters with negative splits (the last 400 run much faster…

then the first) I could taste blood in my mouth on the first part of the runs, only to the forced to speed up on the second one. I really, really hope this makes me a better runner :))

Another strange experience yesterday. Bolivia almost has no good runners, but what movie do they show on prime TV in the evening ? The movie “Pre” about the American distance runner Steve Prefontaine. Dubbed in Bolivian-Spanish. A good movie, but why in the world did they show it down here ? Strange, strange world.

Time for the evening session.

πŸ™‚ Marius