Finally some nice running conditions here

After weeks of ice and snow, it has all melted now after heavy rains. It feels great to once again run somewhere else then the treadmill and soccer fields 🙂

I did a track session indoors today. I was running fast times, but not feeling 100 %…

smooth. It was one of those days where your body is not with you. For the first time in three weeks I could really feel all the hard and heavy training. I will see on the next quality session if it is now time for some easy days. I always allow myself two quality sessions to evaluate training stress. You can always have a bad day, but two bad ones in a row should tell you that it is time to do some real recovery work.

We have also started planning our next altitude stay. It will probably be sometime in March. We are now timing everything specific for the season and counting days back from Bislett Games and the European Championships, the two main events of the summer. It is important to do this planning as early as possible to get the maximum out of the preparations.
