From Utah, USA !

I have now reached Utah, and Deer Valley (located right north of Park City and the Winter Olympic skiing arenas).

It is absolutely beautiful up here. We have a view down to Park City and live right at 2500 meters. But is is only a short…

drive up to 3000 meters (where we do most of the work) and down to 1700 meters (where we do some track work)

Today I did a series of 8×1800 meter runs uphill with short recoveries…..Frank put me on the workout, and it was brutal. On the warmup down to the startingpoint, I passed two signs saying : “Attention : Strenous uphill return” πŸ™‚ And it sure was. Going from 1900 meters up to 2500 meters is no fun. But it will pay off. I know it, and Frank knows it.

Now I am heading up to 3000 meters for a set of longer repeats – at the flat areas up there. It is high, but still not bad since I am used to altitude training.

We have decided that this coming week will be a “full focus one”. If I get through this time of “boot camp” the endurance will last for the rest of the season, and I can continue to run fast and taper the training. So I am just closing my eyes and doing the hard work it takes. 2-3 sessions a day and all the rest I can get.

Interestingly, we met Jim Stray-Gundersen here today. He is an expert in altitude training (“high-low” studies) and is employed by the Olympiatopp in Norway. So he showed us some even better places to run, and the practical details around. He is on holiday with his family, and we ran into his wife when she was out jogging.

Time to hit the training site now – on the edge of the mountainsides looking over Utah.

All well from Deer Valley !
