Two training sessions, physioterapi, TV interview and doping test :-) Loooong day

Yesterday was one of those loooong training days I sometimes experience as an athlete. Out in the morning on an hour run in -19 degrees C and freezing conditions. I ran it in 300 meter circles on a soccer stadium where they have heat underneath – so…

no ice. Then muscle treatment and rest before a TV interview (with the Norwegian State Channel) – followed by a new training session (a test on the treadmill). Some more rest, then a strength training session. Right in the training session, I got company from the anti-drug staff at the Norwegian Sports Association. This happens about 4-5 times a year. So they followed me around until I had finished the session, and I had to take both a urine and a blood test. I am pretty much used to it, and the testers are nice. It is good that they test athletes, so I fully support that they come during practice hours. But that meant more waiting and an even longer day.

Then, late at night I was home…….today I trained easy and slept most of the day 🙂 Not used to stressful days like yesterday 🙂

All well,
